Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc
Board of Directors Guidelines to Awarding Grants, Medical Assistance, and Scholarships
Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc was established to empower people to overcome hardship and to create meaningful, sustainable change in their communities. Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc provides resources and services to enhance access to healthcare and education. Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc is a recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization by the I.R.S.
The organizations are chosen due to their commitment and proven history of furthering the exempt purposes of Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc. These organizations are selected after extensive review of their grant application, reference checks, inspections (when appropriate), and interviews with representatives of Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc. Grants are awarded based on the availability of funds.
When the Board is determining whether to award a grant, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
· Applicant must be a 1) nonprofit organization or 2) individuals. If the grant recipient is an individual, the grant shall be paid directly to the service provider whenever possible. In the event that it is not possible for the grant to be paid directly to the service provider, grant recipients must provide receipts showing evidence that the grant was used for its intended purpose within three (3) months of receipt. Failure to provide receipts will automatically prohibit the recipient from receiving any additional funding.
· The purpose of the project must be to enhance access to healthcare and education based on the requirements for consideration as defined by these guidelines.
· Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc welcomes diversity and encourages all eligible applicants to apply regardless of race, religion, or gender.
· Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc recognizes that some organizations serve specific populations and we will support organizations that assist groups that have been historically underserved or have faced discrimination in the past. However, it is the policy of Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc to support organizations, projects and programs that do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, disability or any other legally protected characteristics.
Applicants must submit a Grant Proposal to be considered for the grant that indicates the following:
1. Name of the Project
2. Amount of funds requested
3. Provide a detailed description of the program that addresses the following:
a. the need that the program will address;
b. the targeted population that will be served;
c. the strategy to recruit the targeted population to receive services;
d. how often will the program/project activities take place;
e. how grant funds will be used to support the program;
f. program/project timeline;
g. geographical area to be served;
h. organization’s history and experience providing these services;
i. staffing plan to recruit, train and retain volunteers to execute the program;
j. list any established partnerships with other organizations or businesses to provide program support;
k. the location where project activities will take place. Please provide specific addresses for location(s);
l. the total number of participants that will participate in the project;
m. list the source, amount, purpose and date received of your top 3 funders in the past 3 years (if applicable);
n. list of other funding sources are being pursued or requested for this project (if any);
o. (Do not exceed two pages)
4. List at least two program performance measures that will be used to evaluate the program/project effectiveness and impact including the:
a. activities you will measure;
b. the objective(s) of your program
c. how often you will collect data (e.g., every quarter);
d. performance you will measure (e.g., how many individuals are served);
e. how you will measure the impact of each activity (i.e. pre & post testing, assessment tools for literacy, surveys, etc.);
f. (Do not exceed one page.)
5. Applicant must provide a proposed budget which clearly indicates:
a. the amount being requested
b. how the funds will be used
c. do participants pay a fee to participate?
d. If yes, what is the fee?
e. will any part of the grant being requested be used to assist families unable to pay?
f. If yes, how much?
g. Grant requests may be approved for full or partial funding, If the organization receives partial funding, can the program still be implemented, and/or can additional dollars be raised?
o Note: Project expenses that exceed $250 per unit cost should include at least three estimates from established vendors. The Board will determine if the amount requested is reasonable for the project. by evaluating the cost of similar projects, services, and/or goods in the area.
o (Do not exceed two pages.)
· Attach a completed W-9 form for the non-profit organization
· Attach a copy of the non-profit organization’s tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status
· Incomplete applications will not be considered.
When the Board is determining whether to award a Medical Assistance Grant, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
· Applicant must be an individual that needs to undergo, has undergone, or is undergoing medical treatment.
· Grants will either 1) be made payable directly to the medical provider or 2) provided directly to the recipient. In the event that they are paid directly to the recipient, the recipient must provide receipts showing evidence that the grant was used for its intended purpose within three (3) months of receipt. Failure to provide receipts will automatically prohibit the recipient from receiving any additional funding.
· Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
· Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc welcomes diversity and encourages all eligible applicants to apply regardless of race, religion, or gender.
Applicants must submit a Medical Assistance Grant Application to be considered for a Medical Assistance Grant that indicates the following:
1. Name of the applicant
2. Name of the medical provider
3. Itemized bill from the medical provider
· Incomplete applications will not be considered.
When the Board is determining whether to award a scholarship, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
· Applicant must be an individual currently enrolled in or in the process of enrolling in higher education. Higher education includes, but is not limited to, universities, community colleges, and vocational training.
· Scholarships will either 1) be made payable directly to the educational institute or 2) provided directly to the scholarship recipient. In the event that they are paid directly to the scholarship recipient, the recipient must provide receipts showing evidence that the scholarship was used for its intended purpose within three (3) months of receipt. Failure to provide receipts will automatically prohibit the recipient from receiving any additional funding.
· Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
· Kunkala Charitable Foundation, Inc welcomes diversity and encourages all eligible applicants to apply regardless of race, religion, or gender.
Applicants must submit a Scholarship Application to be considered for a scholarship that indicates the following:
1. Name of the applicant
2. Name of the educational institution
3. Applicant’s intended course of study
4. Applicant’s current GPA
5. Letter of recommendation
· Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants are encouraged to submit any documentation that supports the qualification for a grant. The application along with the appropriate supporting documentation should be emailed to: [Insert Email Address]
Grant and scholarship approval is based on the above guidelines and is at the discretion of the Grant and Scholarship Review Committee.
All grants and scholarships must be approved unanimously by the Board, regardless of the amount given. The grant will first be reviewed by the Secretary and Treasurer. If the Secretary and Treasurer unanimously agree to approve the grant, it will then be sent to the President for final approval.
Grant and scholarship awards do not need to be repaid. Grant and scholarship checks should be cashed/deposited as soon as possible as checks will become void 6 months after issuance.
Grant recipients must submit a detailed report three months after the end of project which includes the impact the project has had on the community.